You may download a copy of the constitution for your records.
NAME. The name of the organisation shall be “The Midland Cycle Speedway League” hereinafter referred as “The League”.
AIMS. 2.1 To organise cycle speedway competitions appropriate to the needs and requirements of its constituent clubs and their individual members. 2.2 To promote the sport in general and within the Midland region in particular. 2.3 To encourage and maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship and conduct amongst its clubs and their members. 2.4 To support and operate within the constitution and rules of any National controlling body to which the league may become affiliated and/or the accepted rules of the league. 2.5 To give all possible guidance or assistance to any clubs in difficulties and/or newly formed clubs as considered appropriate.
MEMBERSHIP. 3.1 Shall be open to all cycle speedway clubs based within the Midland Region on payment of an affiliation fee the amount of which shall be determined by the committee from 1st February to 31st January. 3.2 Payment Registration to be paid before 1st February. 3.3 The Midland Region Committee may refuse membership of a club, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Region or sport into disrepute. 3.4 Appeal against 3.3, see 6.
ADMINISTRATION. 4.1 The league’s committee shall carry out the day to day running of the region and its competitions. 4.2 Local Leagues or club development competitions shall be organised under the umbrella of the Midland Committee. 4.3 The composition of the committee may vary according to the needs and circumstances of the league from year to year, but will always include, Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and if appropriate a regional officer. Each of these posts must be held by a different committee member. 4.4 Other posts on the committee may be held by one, or more than one person. 4.5 The Committee will charge entry fees for competitions as appropriate and maintain such funds as required to support their activities successfully and shall present a statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting. 4.6 Incoming cheques shall be made payable to the Midland Cycle Speedway League. 4.7 All cheques issued by the League Committee shall require at least two signatures of persons not related usually the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.
DISCIPLINE. 5.1 The Midland Region aims to promote a positive environment for all participants (riders, officials and spectators) free from any behaviours that may cause insult , offence or harm. 5.2 The Midland Region has a zero tolerance on : A. Foul and abusive language. B. Violation of equipment. C. Physical aggression to riders, officials and spectators. 5.3 In the event of the Midland Region being informed of a breach of any of the above the following may result. - Club/ Club member fine. - Club/Club member suspention. - Club/Club member Expulsion. 5.4 The process to determine the outcome following a reported breach ( as refered to by 5.2 & 5.3 ) will be based on/ dependent on the severity and nature of the alleged breach. This will be dealt with by either an informal investigation or a formal disaplinary hearing. In the event that a formal disaplinary panel is required , ( or is requested by the person or club alleged to have committed the breach). The panel will consist of either chairman , vice chairman or secretary, and at least one other committee member not connected to the relevant member or club of the alleged breach.
SOCIAL MEDIA No oppressive, bullying or insighting behaviour/comment - That may be seen as discouraging, demoralising or offensive is allowed. Always remembering that omission can be seen as such behaviour - All entries should support the equality and welfare rules and guidelines within our governing body.
APPEALS. All disciplinary matters will be dealt with by the committee, but in the event of a club or individual wishing to lodge an appeal against a disciplinary decision or against the severity of a fine or suspension, the following procedure must be followed: 7.1 A written account of the reasons for the appeal must be submitted to the committee within 7 days of the decision being handed out and must be accompanied by an appeal administration fee of £30.00. 7.2 The committee will then nominate three persons not members of the committee and not necessarily members of a midlands league club, to act as an appeal group. The three persons selected must be acceptable to both the committee and to the appellant. 7.3 The appeal group will then arrange a hearing to which the appellant will be invited to attend. This hearing will determine the outcome of the appeal. The panel may request the attendance of one or more of the original disaplinary panel. The panel will then reach a verdict which will be final and binding on all parties. 7.4 Should the appeal be successful, the appeal fee will be refunded to the appellant.
MEETINGS. 8.1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held during November each year at which a committee for the following year shall be elected. 8.2 All constituent clubs and through them their members, shall be invited and allowed full participation at the AGM but voting shall be one vote per club. 8.3 In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. 8.4 A quorum at the AGM shall be a minimum of 8 persons. 8.5 Clubs and committee members shall receive notification of the AGM twenty one days prior to the meeting date, giving start time, date and venue. Items for discussion at the AGM shall be sent to the Secretary a minimum of 14 days prior to the meeting date to enable them to be circulated to clubs prior to the meeting. 8.6 The Committee shall meet as and when the business requires, and a quorum at committee meetings shall be 50% of the elected officers. Voting at committee meetings shall be a simple majority, with the Chairman’s casting vote in the event of a tie.
EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS (EGM) 9.1 An EGM may be called by the League Secretary within 14 days of a request to that effect, from the committee or on the written, signed request of not less than 10 members. 9.2 Such an EGM shall be held on not less than 14, or more than 21 days notice, at a place decided upon by the committee or in default by the chair.
THE CONSTITUTION Shall be confirmed each year at the AGM.